My honest suggestion is ppl shud not fight for CA vs CMA... Both are well-known and highly attractive professions... Both have their own market...
CA stands out wen it comes to practice coz it is the only profession which gives us Company and Tax Audits in our practice which is far more than Cost Audits specially entrusted to Cost Accountants..
However both CMA and CA wont have any greater advantage when we go for employment..
Am so critical of ICAI(COST) in only one aspect after seeing the recent Final Pass out list.. only 743 students have completed CMA which is astonishing coz I feel if this continues even Cost Audit may come into CA (by virtue of an order by CG u/s Sec.233B).. Hence the renowned Institute shall take active measures to train the Students to overcome this contingency..
ICAI(Cost) has new initiatives like Campus Placement portal for Inter passed students.. I feel its one of the ways which will lead to the above said situation.. Honestly I feel such campus placements shall be confined to Final pass outs rather than from Inter pass outs...
ICAI(Cost) shall arrange for better infrastructure, build a Study Hall for students like ICAI(Chart) does and shall give sufficient coaching and allow students to fully use the liabrary etc to eradicate this contingency...