If while paying advance income tax, somebody has wrongly filed ITNS 281 instead of ITNS 280, then what is the remedy? Please reply.
J. K. Ratan
(Compliance Advisor)
(794 Points)
Replied 03 March 2015
Dear Naina
To Approch to your Income tax ward assessing Officer it would be rectify.
It's a genuine mistak and could be ratified by ward AO.
(CA Student)
(477 Points)
Replied 03 March 2015
This problem relates to A.Y. 2013-14 and ITR has been filed online. The assessee is a salaried person and is working in another state. Can CPC Bengluru be requested in this case or the assessee has to go to her native state for correcting the mistake?
J. K. Ratan
(Compliance Advisor)
(794 Points)
Replied 05 March 2015
Dear Madam
CPC can't help you. You will have to approack to your concern ward AO.
If it,s not feasible to your client go to concern ward AO, you could obtail signed a Authority letter from your client in the name of Person who could deal with assessing officer.
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