Whether use of the word "M/s" before the company name is allowed?
or allowed only 4 certain documents ?
CourseCart.in (Mentor at SHAYVIDZ Academy) (3756 Points)
05 March 2010Whether use of the word "M/s" before the company name is allowed?
or allowed only 4 certain documents ?
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114773 Points)
Replied 05 March 2010
According to me do not make M/s a part of company name in ROC record as it's look a bit strange. However you may use it otherwise. There is no prohibition in law. For Example M/s Reliance Industries Limited.
However other views solicited.
CA Ayush Agarwal
(27191 Points)
Replied 05 March 2010
(Legal Consultant)
(358 Points)
Replied 06 March 2010
Dear All,
In day to day practise related to correspondence with Government authority,the word 'M/s' is used generally.I don't forsee any legal back up which mandate that the word M/s should be used with the Company name.If some body has idea what is the significane for using such prefix then please also let us know.
(Mentor at SHAYVIDZ Academy)
(3756 Points)
Replied 06 March 2010
I have also the same opinion regarding the use of word "M/S" ...
I must not be used for ROC workings... But what if M/s is written on all printed share certificates?
I think that it is not required to reprint all the share cerificate..
Even I wanna suggest to all to avoid using the word M/s...
(Mentor at SHAYVIDZ Academy)
(3756 Points)
Replied 06 March 2010
Originally posted by : Kumar | ||
Dear All, In day to day practise related to correspondence with Government authority,the word 'M/s' is used generally.I don't forsee any legal back up which mandate that the word M/s should be used with the Company name.If some body has idea what is the significane for using such prefix then please also let us know. Regards |
Significance of using word is just like as we add the word
"Mr". for Male Individual
"Miss." for Female Individual who is single
"Mrs." for Female Individual who is married
In the same way "M/s" word shows the status as FIRM or COMPANY i.e. Otherthan Individual...
Ankur Garg
(Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
(114773 Points)
Replied 06 March 2010
Originally posted by : Akanksha | ||
nice basic information. thank u all. |
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