Withdrawal of Filed Form 15CB

Mitron Consultant (Consultant) (24 Points)

13 September 2022  

We would like to update that the functionality for withdrawal of Form No. 15 CB has been enabled on the income tax portal website. 

Previously, there was no facility/e-option to withdraw filed Form No. 15CB in case of any genuine mistake or cancellation of foreign remittance. 
Also, there were many hardships being faced by tax payer during the pandemic when the income tax department had allowed physical filing of Form No.  15 CB which were to be uploaded on the income tax portal on a later date. But,  due to certain mismatch/ glitches on the income tax portal,  it resulted in various hardships. 

However, to overcome these difficulties, it seems that an alternative has now been provided/ enabled to withdraw filed Form No. 15CB (on the e-filing web portal) by recording appropriate reasons therein. 

Following filed Form no. 15CB can be withdrawn -

1. Filing is made after 1 April 2021 till 29 July 2022 - Form can be withdrawn at any point of time; and
2. Filing made from 30 July 2022 and onwards -  within 7 days from the date of successful submission of Form No. 15CB.

It is pertinent to note that Form No. 15CB can only be withdrawn where corresponding Form No. 15CA has not been filed. Additionally, the option to withdraw Form No. 15CB is available with CA only.

In this context, one can refer the below link for user manual which includes steps/ process to withdraw Form No. 15CB.
