Winning plan for May 10 exam..Dont miss it


24 February 2010  

What is the most basic difference between Success and failure?

Did you ever thought about it? 

Well, both are the end results of your activities!

There is a series of steps and the end results is success. No one delibratly try for failure.

Thus success and failure is the end results of your actions.

Everyone set the target for success and some were succeded in the exam and some otheres were satisfied with failure.

Both the successful person and failure persons have the same Goal and mind set.But the action of both were differ.

Thus, both the success person and failure persons have the same goal to success in the exam.This is the one of the interesting factor.




First, the main reason for failure is your presentation in the exam were not up to the mark of the examiner .

There are many students who were studied hard but no result for them for the exam and they were thinking that how they were study, they were tried their level best but still failure?Think some time you may be one of such person.

The answer to the solution can be identified with your presentation in the exam .

Good preparation but poor presentation in the exam and poor result.

For practical questions like MAFA and costing concept will play the role, but apply the concept in your way and arriving at the relevant and precious answer will fetch you good mark.


But for achieving this level require so many exercise from your part.

Firstly be familiar with the concepts then go to the prolem question and while reading the questions , try to understand that what is the relevant information to the concepts will be available and what are the information were missing and what is required to be arrived at.

There are many means by which you can arrive the solution. This is the main reason various book author the answer is presented in the different manner.

But concept building is a learning curve, this means , if you start with ABC(Activity based Costing) try to understand what is the basic concept?

Apportionment of indirect cost on the basis of cost drivers.The cost drivers and the related indirect expense have direct cause and effect relationship.

Here were reaquired to compute the cost per cost drivers first, then , there is an information about the cost driver unit consumed by the various department. just multiply it you can reach the exact figure of indirect expense.

There may be direct expense which pertaining to various department.

The total cost shall be a sum of  both direct and indirect expense. There is a mark up on both the cost thus you arrived at the Selling price.

This is the basic concepts.

If you understand the basic concepts well in your way, then, you can read a particular question of ABC and try to undertstand that what is the information is available, what information is missing and what is required to be arrived to reach the solution.


If you doing a first problem without reading the solution, you may thing hard about the concept , will start the problem solving, will commit many mistake, our but once you understand the reason for your mistake then you can avoid  the similar mistake for exam.

What is the logic of Lurning curve is that  if you doing a paritcular problems in the first time , you may take more time, but by doing the similar concept problems you may be better and reach to the relevant and precious answer.

Think if   you succeded in the cost management exam, you may be gone above approach. If you failed , iam sure that you are deverted from the above approach.

Thus, i can conclude that failure is the results of doing improper actions.It is just an example of frequent failure in cost management , MAFA papers.

Second, improper presentation and poor presentaion

Some students were merely mug up the matter and try to reproduce the same in exam. If it was a graduataion exam , you may be quite successful, but here you will fail because the question of CA  set in a manner to reveal the understainding of the students to the subject.

mugging of Audit paper or Law paper will result  bad results for you. Dont mug it up, rather, try to understand the matter in your way, try to document the relevant point in the notes.

Try to inter link the concepts in various sections and SA and the answer to the question shall be relvant and precious.

So , I think every body can become a successful person for the coming May 10 exam by adopting the mathod suggested above.

All the best


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