I had incorporated a pvt ltd company a month ago, hasn't yet alloted any money to bank account. Now, due to my financial problems and pressure of studies, I don't think that I will be able to do any business operation. Is there any way to go for voluntary winding-up right now? Note, just one and a half months have passed since incorporation.
So, my questions are:
1. Can I opt for voluntary winding-up now?
2. If I opt for voluntary winding-up now, would I need to file all the tax filings and other annual compliances, while the winding-up procedure is running?
3. What is the estimated time-frame of the voluntary winding-up process? (Please note, the paid-up capital of the pvt ltd is only 10000 Rs.)
I know about fast track exit. But, I want to know if there is any way to wind it up now, since you have to wait for 1 year to do Fast track exit. It will be very helpful if you can provide some valuable information. Thank you.
Also, if a director puts the 10000 rs share capital in the bank a/c, and then 1000 more for the bank costs, is that a liability? Note, no third-party transaction taking place, no business operation