Will it happen with C.A results as it happened with CAT results?
ca cs shriyans jain (AUDIT MANAGER C.A C.S) (7168 Points)
10 January 2011ca cs shriyans jain (AUDIT MANAGER C.A C.S) (7168 Points)
10 January 2011
Sathiya Narayanan
(CA-Final & CS-Exec Student)
(614 Points)
Replied 11 January 2011
Thanks for ur info.........
Nikhil Kothari
(CEO at Sequinox Business Advisories)
(4671 Points)
Replied 11 January 2011
Thanks for informing...
ca cs shriyans jain
(7168 Points)
Replied 20 January 2011
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)