Ethic and communication.
1.Have you asked,why people fail in ethic and com and law paper.
2.Can you justify the preparation of ethic and comm in 6 to 8 classes?
3. Why 90 days for 60 marks and only 6 days for 40 marks?
4.Can you understand ethic and comm with example of family and movie?
5.Can you pass exam only with heading without detailed study?
P S Rathore Ensures you...
1.100% writing practice in class.
2,100% study material coverage.
3.Prepare as per exam standard.
4.Real life corporate example.
5.Get to know corporate world.
By P S Rathore
(Corporate strategist and management guru)
Ethic and comm. Bonus , Gratuity miscellaneous act
No of class 20.
By CA Anupam Parashar
Co. Law and rest of other business law.
Classes: at laxmi nagar and North campus