how many attempts?why life is showing the worst colours. why only we CA s have to face these all typical situations in our lives?.Attempts go up at the same time Age is also going up.Why everything is turning to be a Failure ?.
Everytime trying to start with new energy and with Rock solid faith but everything will be turnarounded with showing on Webpage A big FATAL FAIL.All our friends and Juniors settling in life and going abroad with good pay packges .ok we will also pass , but at that time our Obligations& Responsibilties changes so again what ? nothing just wasted our wonderfull youth in Reading this Never ending Books like Book worms.
Curtail the passing % at the time of Entry itself so pity students will see someother source to settledown.After coming up to Fianl Left with Single group ,with Expiring Exemptioms ,Finally loosing hope ,loosing Confidnece etc.,
just my feelings with Beaing a Big Fatal Fail......................