Why Most of the GST Show Cause Notices Issued in 2023-24?

Ayush (Executive ) (6765 Points)

28 September 2024  


Most show cause notices issued in 2023-24 which were due to data errors found in tax returns.

Majority of Disputes related to Data Verification Issues

Only 555 of the 1.13 lakh notices were found in tax rate classification disputes. Most disputes involved data verification discrepancies.

Common Data Discrepancies

Less payment has been made in GSTR3B as compared with the date provided in GSTR1, excess ITC has been claimed in GSTR-3B, and non-payment of GST under RCM.

Upcoming Implementation 

The GST will be introducing a new ledger for tracking reverse charge to address reverse charge issues.

This technology is being used to minimize disputes and make compliance easier for taxpayers.