Why CPA?

Pradyumna Nag (19 Points)

16 May 2007  

Ok Guys, I know everyone is fed up of listenin to is CPA the way to go etc etc..... But that is not my Question...

What i would want to know is

a. How good is it if i wanna remain working in India?

b. What is the value addition i would be receivin considerin the magnum of tuition fees (both monetary and academic) ?

c. How would it aid my growth in a company?

d. Apart from the Visa issue are there any other encumbrances?    and,

e. Are there any personal benefits that you might have personally observed because of this course?

f. Are there any off-beat additional courses i car take up in say Forensic Accounting and the like (CFE) ?

Pls Note: Im doin my first year of articleship. I cleared the PE 2 exams in NOV 06.

Im planning to schedule giving the CPA exam in April next month.


My e-mail id is: pradyumnanag @ gmail.com

Im just out of college and my resources for such Info is close to Nil. I would love an Industry been-there-done-that perspective as well.

Thank You in Advance