Why?? can anyone dare to answer....?

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Originally posted by : PRINCE KAUSHIK
CA Deepak Parekh Chairman of HDFC
CA K.M.Birla Chairman of Birla Groups.
MBA Toppers dream of working in these companies.

Am talking of majority of CA students...excluding few exceptions..

I respect those days CA's.......

My point is about CA's in todays scenario.............

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Richa (article) (128 Points)
Replied 11 February 2013

Dear Ms Komal

why the hell do u feel that the girl who topped the CA final exams does not excel in presenttaion and communication jts because she comes from a very humble background...Ms these things depend upon one's personality and not on any body's schooling or 


n i can bet that the girl who topped the exams has much better presentation and communication skills than u have,if any




Originally posted by : Komal shuklaa

@ CA Paras Bafna sir.....

Thanks for the reply........but you also did not reply to my questionwise..

I heard about the topper....

These kind of students are also one the reason why CA's dont excel in communication and presentation...

Since these kind of students did their schooling from thier vernacular medium......


Originally posted by : Durga

Why CA doing students are not that good in communication and presentation when compared to MBA doing students??

not good in communication & presentation ?? seriously ??? 

have you ever been to any national convention programs organized by institute every year ??? if not , attend it . you ll get to know that no one ll ever do such a marvellous presentation than a CA student .

Excluding few exceptions..majority of CA students fail to present themselves properly. why??

Why most of the CA doing students particularly girls look very average compared to MBA doing Students??    

you are attending classes to read something or to just see how the girls look ? appearence is something which a girl should be worried for . girls arent for marketting job that they hav to look more pretty to attract clients for their companies .

Though Agreed but my point is why they dont present thmeselves in good attire.....

Why CA students fumble while arguing with MBA qualified students.??  

i can understand you are a die hard fan of MBA . but that does not mean CA is less . even i can say that the nature of MBA is nothing but arguing for everything .

MBA's discuss more that is not an argument...why CA's dont explore many possibilities?? why they restrict themselves in a set of few technical limitation.

Why CA students work like a clerk even after qualifying the final level?? 

simple !!! the student does not remain as a student after being qualified . he just works hard to make his own identity in the society .

Agree he/she cant be a student....but my question is why even after qualifying they work like a simple bcom gradutate....and for such low salary??

Why most of the CA's could not take business decisions unlike MBA's??   there are many chartered accountants who are successful enterpreneus . they dint need any MBA degree to make their business successful . talent is what matters . a mere qualification is of no use . there are many CA's who are expert in other than financial fields . 

may be some few CA's who had business background before have become successful businessman...but what about majority of CA's??? who still doing some technical work like a machine????

Richa (article) (128 Points)
Replied 11 February 2013

by the way to which profession you actually belong to?? CA or MBA coz if u doing ca then m sorry to say that u dont deserve to be ca...coz u dont have any respect for ur profesion...

so plzz go n join some mba course 


Originally posted by : Ganeshbabu





Dear i dont need MBA related websites......i knew about it....

Those days are gone ...when MBA from Top Business schools can comes close to CA.

Am talking of todays scenario..........


Originally posted by : Shrikant

Whatever!!! But bl**dy, Stop degrading the profession!!!

am not trying to degrade the profession......

But do you agree to my questions???

Richa (article) (128 Points)
Replied 11 February 2013

Originally posted by : Komal shuklaa

Originally posted by : Shrikant

Whatever!!! But bl**dy, Stop degrading the profession!!!

am not trying to degrade the profession......

But do you agree to my questions???

nooo we dont agree to your questions////

u r talking as if u know each and every student of CA..and have analysed their skillsand concluded that they are not up to the mark....

who r u??

first tell about urself...what skills u possess ?? where have u done ur schooling from?

to what profession u belong then dare to raise questions like this....

n can u plzz upload ur real pic i and m sure evry1 of us here wud like to c how well u have maintained urself in presentable attire(sic)....


now u dare to ans this if u can..


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Originally posted by : courageous Aries

Respected Komal,


Just tell me few things


Why everyone ask a candiate ki From Where have you done MBA and not from CA?

Simple since only one institute is there for CA' course unlike many Reputed instutes for MBA's

Why a CA who has scored 50% i.e he is pass gets a job quickly and MBA with same percentage does not?

Agree....thats is the reason my question is ....why CA qualified students ready to work like a clerk even after getting the degree???

Why can not a MBA sign a balance sheet?
well! Agree they cant sign....but my question is why CA's restrict themselves in only signing the audit report like a machine......why they could not question the management at all times....

Why the biggest superstar of our Country say Amitabh Bachhan, run after CA for his autographer, and not a MBA

is it true??? may be that person is a top industrialist....

Why in any job reqiuremnet of Finance it is mentioned that the Candidate should be CA / MBA from a recognised university with first class percentage.

I have already mentioned in previous  comments.

Please respect your profession, only then it will respect you and please stop comparing with anyone

I respect every profession....is it not healthy to compare???



Why when Ca students couldnot answer to the questions asked..they tend to lose their cool and start arguing like anything??

@ richa....

Please lets not discuss about peronal details.....

Am not talking of all CA students but of majority of them.....

Why CA articleship training not counted in industry ??


Richa (article) (128 Points)
Replied 11 February 2013

Originally posted by : Komal shuklaa

Why when Ca students couldnot answer to the questions asked..they tend to lose their cool and start arguing like anything??

@ richa....

Please lets not discuss about peronal details.....

Am not talking of all CA students but of majority of them.....

Why CA articleship training not counted in industry ??


Dear ms Komal

y not discuss about ur personal details??

wen u can raise ques abt the abilities of the girl who topped den cant  ques urs??

n i have not lost my cool...and if u read properly i didnt ans any of ur stupid ques and baseless comparisons...

i answered that particular posts of urs where u doubted the skills of that girl...

and as for the arguement sake only where u say that u r talking about majority of ca students, i say how many of the majority students u know that u came to all this conclusion that they do not possess communication skills and all that crap...


leave aside all that have u answered one simple ques of mine TO WHICH PROFESSION DO U BELONG TO


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Neeraj Singh (Executive Account) (94 Points)
Replied 11 February 2013

Originally posted by : Richa

Originally posted by : Komal shuklaa

Why when Ca students couldnot answer to the questions asked..they tend to lose their cool and start arguing like anything??

@ richa....

Please lets not discuss about peronal details.....

Am not talking of all CA students but of majority of them.....

Why CA articleship training not counted in industry ??


Dear ms Komal

y not discuss about ur personal details??

wen u can raise ques abt the abilities of the girl who topped den cant  ques urs??

n i have not lost my cool...and if u read properly i didnt ans any of ur stupid ques and baseless comparisons...

i answered that particular posts of urs where u doubted the skills of that girl...

and as for the arguement sake only where u say that u r talking about majority of ca students, i say how many of the majority students u know that u came to all this conclusion that they do not possess communication skills and all that crap...


leave aside all that have u answered one simple ques of mine TO WHICH PROFESSION DO U BELONG TO

Agree with Richa..............



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CA Prashant Gupta (DGM (F & A)) (14068 Points)
Replied 11 February 2013

@ Komal Shuklaa

you are arguing with everyone

and saying that nobody is answering the Q


Q is wrong

who told you all this

some MBA told that and you just putting Q on CAs

I give you a experiment.  let one MBA and one CA talk

and start listen after 15 minutes, the you will find answer

MBA can be very attractive in first 15 minutes but after that knowledge speaks

5 Like


wo kahawat to suni hi hogi ki garajne wale baraste nahi, usi tarah,

CA have the depth knowledge than MBA,s only the difference is that the MBA is more concentrate on the communication Skill thats why they benifited. they even talk more to supress something whichever they dont know in depth to show yes we know all. but in reality they lack the depth knowledge.

CA is Better than MBA.

Richa (article) (128 Points)
Replied 11 February 2013

Originally posted by : CA Prashant Gupta

@ Komal Shuklaa

you are arguing with everyone

and saying that nobody is answering the Q


Q is wrong

who told you all this

some MBA told that and you just putting Q on CAs

I give you a experiment.  let one MBA and one CA talk

and start listen after 15 minutes, the you will find answer

MBA can be very attractive in first 15 minutes but after that knowledge speaks



agree with u sir fully



komal shuklaa,

I.C.A.I  introduced 3 or 3.1/2 years articleship,

not for recognisation of industry or companies point of view.

This provides steady increase in the depth and


variety of experience to the Articled Assistants.


During the last year of articleship, a student may opt


for industrial training instead. Industrial training can


be for a period of 9 to 12 months and has to be


completed under the supervision of an existing CA


member employee of a financial, commercial or


industrial organization.

note: i.c.a.i will look over the life of the ca students,but not the industry/companies will do the same that's the reason for not recognising articleship period.

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