Dear Readers
Here I am again to tell you a little story about ……hmm lets just keep that a little secret …oh and don’t worry I will not bore you with success, Failure, Hard work lets just give a rest to it……
Ranjiv and sushesh are the two bright students who have a great passion for art ….they both wanted to become an Artist someday of their Lives
One day Their Art master calls both the boys to tell them “Fellaws I have a beautiful work for you both to test your Artistic skills, Tomorrow you both shall bring me an drawing of your respective mothers drawn in Black and white”
Both the boys left the class to prove their skills. Ranjiv Plans whether he could draw the picture as his mother playing with little Lila ( a neighbor, five year old girl who comes to his house everyday to eat chocolates and play with his mother) And have himself as watching they both play
Then he reaches his house and sets him ready for the picture, but suddenly a voice comes from back of his mind saying “ranjiv don’t act smart and fall yourself in a problem what if your new idea is not artistic enough, why play the risk buddy… safe just ask your mother to sit in a armchair and make a smiling picture of her I think that’s enough…..just make sure you draw perfectly well”
But then another voice consoles on his earlier decisions telling “your only doing in way which perfectly suits for you to produce the best of your artistic abilities…you’re not acting smart”
The Negative voice kept haunting him as what if it goes wrong, What if it goes wrong and finally
pushes him to the idea drawing picture of armchair with mother Smiling, though he drew perfectly still his heart was not on the picture.
Next day .
Both the boys place their chart on the stand……just then ranjiv peeks through the picture of sushesh and his mouth fell open on watching it, it was a collection of pictures of his(sushesh) mother as buying vegetables from the shopkeeper, cutting vegetables, cooking food, as talking with her husband, as scolding his sister and finally a group picture of his mother his sister and him.
Ranjiv feels low but just keeps it with him and waits for the opinion of his teacher….
The masters come then and he gazes intently at both the pictures separately for few minutes……and gives his opinion
Now dear readers you say what the master should tell…who should he praise for the better performance……. for the one who did the job in a routine just because of the fear of failure to impress his master or the own who did the given job In a way which he believes to work for him in his suitable way without any fear ……………. Which Is the better way?
Which way would you choose....
irfankhan (student) (427 Points)
15 April 2012