I know gross income includes income from property etc. I'm not asking about that.
I'm asking about the Form 16 that salaried employees get. It mentions:
1. Gross Salary (salary as per provisions in Sec 17(1)) Rs.1200000 (assume twelve lakh)
2. Less:Allowance to the extent exempt under U/S 10
i) Conveyance exemption Rs.19000
ii) HRA exemption Rs.60000
3) Balance (1-2) Rs.1121000
4) Deductions
a) Entertainment allowance Rs.0
b) Tax on employment Rs.2160
6) Income chargeable under head salaries (3-4) Rs.1118840
7) Any other income reported by employee
8) Gross total income (6+7) Rs.1118840
Now the income tax e filing form has a section that says:
B1. Income from salary/pension
What do I fill here? Do I enter 1118840 or 1200000?