Which itr form i have to file ?


26 July 2024  

hello sir and madam 

i joined as contractual doctor post in a govt. hospital on 6th of march ,2023 for the first time .Then i worked for that post till 31st December of 2023. and received remuranation & deducted tds  for receipts from contract under sec 194-c.
then from 1st january 2024 onwards i worked as doctor permanent post received salaries from state govt. as salaried employee till end of financial year 2023-24 .
my question is
1. which itr form i have to file for assessment year 2024-25[financial yr23-24]  ?
2. what i have to file form 10E for received salaries of month 2023 in april,2023 ?
kindly help me in this regard for which i will be thankful to you.