Whether Coparcener can bequeath the Property received due to Intestate succession


30 April 2021  
Pls answer my query duly supported by Legal Provisions , Legislative Act , judicial precedent
Illustration for getting legal clarification
"A" dies intestate,his property devolves upon "B" as lineal descendant of "A".
"B" is married with "C" and "D" & "E" are two legitimate daughters born out wedlock of "B" &"C"
Query :- Pls clarify whether "B" can bequeath or bequest the Property recieved in inheritance to any Person other than "C" ,"D" &"E" by making WILL or Testamentary declaration for distribution of said property after his to Person other than "C", "D","E"
Pls reply through or via my Emsi Id "pkk2458 @ gmail.com