Where to add foreign captial gains in ITR-2?

Gururaj Bhat (Engineer) (44 Points)

13 July 2024  

I have short term capital gains (less than 2 years) from the sale of foreign stocks.  


Where should I enter these in ITR-2 in Schedule CG?

I am entering at Captial Gains -> Short Term -> Section 5 (From sale of assets other than A1 or A2 or A3 or A4 above) in the excel utility.

Is this correct?

I am seeing that gains from this Section 5 are getting charged as per applicable rate , so I assumed it is correct , but not 100% sure.  


Also gains from  Captial Gains -> Short Term -> Section 2 as well are charged as per applicable rate , but this section mentions that STT is paid for the transation , but may not be true for foreign stocks.