CA SURENDRA KUMAR RAKHECHA (Practising CA at Surat) (26263 Points)

06 August 2010  

Question raised by -

"pulkit gupta :

Sir My Marks in PCC May 10 are ROLL Number 51620 *Check Merit Name PULKIT GUPTA Group I Advanced Accounting 041 Auditing and Assurance 048 Law, Ethics and Communication 053 Total 142 Result FAIL Group II Cost Accounting & Financial Management 048 Taxation 056 Information Technology and Strategic Management 041 Total 145 Result FAIL Grand Total 287

Pls guide me what to do and where did i lack..."


Answer : 



I think; the question raised is  important for all the students who have remained unsuccessful in recent CA results. 



Out of total failed students; approx 50-60%  students fail in CA due to aggregate.



The reasons are :



1. Your target was to pass the examination only. 



2. Although you focused well towards your studies but you failed to pay good attention on Practical subjects.



3. Either your speed is slow in solving practical questions or you got uptset after looking the whole paper.  


To avoid the above situation :


(i) Read full paper before starting to solve the question paper. 

(ii) Make full strategy about the paper how you will solve the paper.

(iii) If the paper is too lengthy (it is general tendency of CA question papers) then firstly plan to attempt  upto 70-80 marks only in full confidence. The stress of attempting full paper will go away automatically.


4. From the present trend and analysis of so many mark sheets; I have found that where a student has scored more than 60 marks in three subjects; the Institute has awarded them  40 marks in other subject(s); if needed. (This situation I have found; although other may not agree with me). 


5. I am not saying you are weak in your studies but you lacked in your strategy. Now focus more on just two or three subjects and try to get 60% marks in PCC rather than to achieve only 50% in aggregate. 



6. Pay  more  attention  to   A c c o u n t a n c y,  C o s t   A c c o u n t a n c y   and   T a x a t i o n . These three subjects are found again in CA Final at advanced level. So not only you would be able to pass PCC easily but you will have advantage in CA Final also. 



7. Don't assure yourself in the subjects where you have scored better marks than Accountancy and Strategic Management (only 41 in both the subjects). Give the same weightage again to these subjects otherwsie next time these subjects will make your result poor.



8. Discuss regularly with your friends. Better study with at least one friend, if it suits to you. By adopting this; you can have interest in the subjects. 


9. Read my articles at caclubindia. The link you can have from my profile.


Wish you all the best.