Where can i get past rtp's sums solved for tax for ay 14-15?
A D - Loving Life (none) (1234 Points)
12 May 2014A D - Loving Life (none) (1234 Points)
12 May 2014
Hemant Pandit
(articl assistant)
(284 Points)
Replied 12 May 2014
in textbooks only...not anywhere else..
A D - Loving Life
(1234 Points)
Replied 12 May 2014
means i will have to purchase all RTP's...but will they be solved for AY 14-15?
Hemant Pandit
(articl assistant)
(284 Points)
Replied 12 May 2014
u r mixinng up things
there are few textbooks which have sums of past RTPs and previous exams solved as per relevenat AY...evry year they release their textbooks with answers updated as per new amendments
now if u want previous RTPs u cannot purchase them.... u have to download it from Icai.org or elsewhere on the net... and if u download those RTPS answers wouldnot be as per amendments
hope this clarifies...
A D - Loving Life
(1234 Points)
Replied 15 May 2014
6 days Certification Course on GST Practical Return Filing Process