Various Fields
Accountancy: - Preparing accounts, supervising, controlling and organizing income and expenditure and making financial statements for all kind of companies and government organizations.
Auditing:- Making sure that Financial Statements represents the true picture of companies financial position and it had followed the correct accounting procedures.
Cost Consultancy:- Includes working out cost of a particular operation as well as minimizing costs and future forecasting.
Taxation:- Preparing the returns for tax purposes, rendering advice on tax matters and minimization of incidence of direct and indirect taxes using legal means. Government also hire CAs.
Legal Matters:- Handling legal aspects of contracts, estate planning and playing a crucial role during insolvency and liquidation of a company.
Management Consultancy:- Collecting, Organising and analyzing information and covering statements from various financial departments to make analysis of past and present financial performance.
Planning and Management:- Compiling various reports and suggesting clients in improving the management of their company.
Company Secretarial work:- Ensuring that the organisation complies with relevant legislation and regulation, and keeps board members informed of their legal responsibilities.