When CMA result for June 2014 will be out? Any idea..
(23 Points)
Replied 08 August 2014
(23 Points)
Replied 08 August 2014
(CS (Member) CWA (Final))
(909 Points)
Replied 22 August 2014
As per recent Students Newsletter, the likely date is 23/8. I hope it is not LIKELY rather CONFIRM. but what is the time?
CMA Prasanta Kar
(Asst. Manager Accounts)
(56 Points)
Replied 22 August 2014
All the best to all CMA students for result do't worry every thing will be positive. And it's confirm result will be decleard by 23rd august.
CMA Prasanta Kar
(Asst. Manager Accounts)
(56 Points)
Replied 22 August 2014
Our instutution did not fix any time for declearing result but u can expect it within 2.00 PM
(CS (Member) CWA (Final))
(909 Points)
Replied 22 August 2014
Why CMA Institute is not particular abut time? I remember CS Instute is very particular about result date (25 Aug and 25 Feb) and time (4.00 PM). It is fixed and not subject to change at any circumstances. CMA Institute should follow this best practice.
CMA Prasanta Kar
(Asst. Manager Accounts)
(56 Points)
Replied 22 August 2014
Whenever result date come closure everybody discuss this issue but after result everybody forget. That is the only reason that our institution not doing anything on this issue. When i was waiting for final result i also see sombody post this type message if u want to change this practic u have to keep it mind after result and try to remind me i will try to forword this message to NIRC past president CMA Rakesh Balla.
(Student CMA)
(142 Points)
Replied 22 August 2014
(CS (Member) CWA (Final))
(909 Points)
Replied 23 August 2014
Dear Prashant
Thanks. I will certainly remind you.
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