Since the introduction of PCC Registration for PE2 has been stopped and generously Institute has granted PE2 students 2xtra attempts to clear the PE2 or forcefully switch to PCC .I also felt the this generosity as institute wants to aviod complxity and humiliation of PE2 students to switch to PCC.Since then insti. Had extended the PE2 attemts to total 6 giving clear indications of it wanting PE2 students to clear it and not going for PCC.but reality is somewhat more shocking and horrendus.Day by day PE2 passing % is decreasing dramatically. The batch appearing in this may will at least have given 5 attemts prior to that.They are shattered they are not willing to give up but situation is also not very inspiring nor enliven .Many of my friends (PE2) and you would also agree with me that there is outrageous reaction of this result .They said either you clear us or close down PE2 so that we dont have to live in this uncertainity , we are not asking for any mercy or favour just be fair with us.I dont understand whats in the minds of ICAI,I simply dont.