What would you do if you were in my position?

CA Srikanth Yadav (Chartered Accountant) (3162 Points)

26 August 2013  

Okay this'll be weird; but please take your time to read this.


So around 1 year back (July, 2012), I met a guy online. And I can say he's the most amazing person I've ever met. The most awesome thing about him is his honesty and politeness. No matter what I ask or how irritating my questions may be, he's always very polite and very honest in his answers. He's also the smartest person I've ever met. Whatever he says makes lots of sense. He never talks non-sense. Well I knew that no one in this world is perfect; but he's one of those rare people who is pretty close to being "perfect". He's truly a gentleman. In other words, I can say he's my role model.


However around 2 months back, i.e., in July 1st week (2013), there was a small fight between us, and ya I was the one who was at fault. And he was alleging me something which I denied. The conversation went on for over an hour. I've said everything that I could possibly say. But unfortunately I couldn't convince him. Ya he won the arguement. But the most cruel thing was he then blocked me. This is what he said in his last reply.


"Either way I am done with you. Please refrain from contacting me again."

(And blocked)


And after he blocked me, I was like this for the next few days.






Okay, may be I exaggerated a little. But the point is, I was pretty upset. It just blew my mind. Anyways, what I want to you is that, even though he blocked me, I can still contact him through my other account, which is currently deactivated (I used to use another account earlier; but due to some reason I had to deactivate it and create a new one). I actually didn't want to disturb him again since he told me to not contact him again. But he's too important of a person to loose. And even on that last day when he spoke to me, he was not like shouting at me. He was trying to explain me very politely. So I'm thinking of contacting him again and requesting to forgive me for one last time.


What do you say? Shall I contact him again?

If yes, what message would you send him if you were in my position?


Thanks in anticipation!