What will be the Assesable Value

Dhawal Vora (Self Employed) (64 Points)

27 August 2010  

Party A - XYZ Corp

Party B - XYZ (I) Pvt. Ltd.

Party C - ME.

XYZ (I) Pvt. Ltd. is a holder of a SVB Order.

"XYZ (I) Pvt. Ltd." intiated the import of a material and made a HSS to "ME".

XYZ (I) Pvt. Ltd. transfer pricing is Rs.580.00 (In INR).

XYZ (I) Pvt. Ltd. sold the goods to "ME" at Rs.730.00. The Agreement of HSS reads actual sale price and not CIF + 2%.

What is the assessable value for calculation of Customs Duty.? Rs. 580.00 or Rs.730.00 or Something Else.