What U Know About INDIA ?


Something About INDIA :-

National Name :- Bharat, India ,Hindustan

Current President :- Pratibha Patil

Current Prim Minister :- Manmoham Sing

Land Area:- 1,147,949 sq mi (2,973,190 sq km)

Total Area:- 1,269,338 sq mi (3,287,590 sq km)

Population :- 1,132,446,000

Capital Of India :- New Delhi

Economical Capital Of India :-Mumbai

Currency :- Rupees

National Language :- Hindi

National Official Language:-English

Literacy Rate :- 61%

Ruler Party :- UPA

Religious :- Hindu, Muslim, Shikh, Parsi, Christan.

Ethnicity :- Indo-aryan, dravidion, Mongoloid

Railway Length :- 63,221 km

Highway :- 33,83,344 km

Water way:- 14,500

Airports:- 346

Boarder Country :- Pakistan, china, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangaladesh, burma.

Independent day:- 15 Aug 1947

Republican Day:- 26 Jan 1950

Population Density:- 329 per km2

GDP :- 2.96 trillion

Timezone :- IST UTC +5:30,

Internet TLD :- .in

ISD Call:-+91