What topics are new in isca 2015 from isca 2012

ItsMePrarthana (CA final) (78 Points)

29 November 2014  

im a ca final student who will appear in ca final group 2 this may 2015.( i have given group 1 in november 2014)

i have 2 ques

1) i have received some videos of dinesh madan lectures but those are of the year 2012(he said it is applicable for year 2014 too in the video)however now i noticed few chapters dat i did from the video are not in the study mat(i guess syllabus has changed) i need to know which chapters have been added or deleted since 2012..


2) when i went to start with the practise manual for ISCA i noticed that ICAI has given me all the practise manuals except for the subject of ISCA... wat to do now?sad