What's say...???

Namita Bhade (CA) (368 Points)

23 January 2013  

Hello friends...

It is said that Motivate or Inspire at least one person a day..

Motivation is the very important factor for getting success.

When we motivate any person, the positive energy comes autometically in him/her.

Think about some examples...

When we told someone " Don't worry, everything will be allright..", It gives an amazing effect to someone's mind. He/She feels much better. ( Think when you were disturbed at any time in the past.. by hering these words.. how did you feel..??)

In future we could be there, where we really need someone to say this..

Appriciation is also the way to motivate somebody.. Your small line.." Very good job " can also be the most important line which can inspire the person to work nicely.. (Think when you did something and your parents, friends or teacher told you.. "very good, keep it up..")

So, friends never miss a little chance to motivate any person.. it really gives a nice feeling and it sometimes motivate ourselves also.. Try it.. :)