Investment allowance reserve is deleted long back from the Income Tax Act.
When preference shares are redeemed, CRR is created to the extent of the share capital redeemed out of the accumulated P&L reserves.
If the fixed assets are revalued, the amount over and above the historical cost ie the purchase price is credited to revalutation reserve. If in future the value reduces, then debit to this account.
To maintain a steady rate or amount of dividend, certain amount of profit is trans to Div equi reserve. This ensures that the dividend is paid at a steady rate to the investors.
Share split would definitely have an impact on the capital structure. A company has 100 shares of Rs.10/- each. If there is 1:2 share split, then share capital would be 200 shares of Rs.5/- each.
A company pays tax according to the net profit arrived at after making adjustments to profit arrived as per the books of account. thus there is always diff between book profit and tax profit. Deferred tax tries to reconcile this diff.
Ah! Finally I've done it.