What is difference between article student & beggars?

Akshay (Taxation) (514 Points)

24 June 2012  

There is no provision for fees reiumbursment by employer/principle in C.A Act.  As such fees charged by ICAI for Students welfare program or any personality/knowldege program relating to study purpose can not reiumbursment by employer/principle. If working for C.A organisation then why such rules is not avilable??


on 30th June & 1st July there is National C.A.Students Convention at Vasai. fees for students is Rs.750/- per students.  As per C.A rules my stipend is Rs.1500/- per month then Rs.750/- is 50% of my salary.

what is the hell if my empolyer refuse to pay such fees reiumbursment. What is difference between Article Student & Beggars?

Few Question came in my mind.

1) How can i survive/ manage my pocket expense in balance Rs.750/- per month?

2) Shall i avoid going such C.A students program?

3) Then why ICAI organising Such Programs? I know Rs.750/- is very minimum fees after arranging such good faculty.

4) Why ICAI not make such provision regarding fees payment for C.A students by his employer? If my employer earning lacs of Rs. fees only with help of us then If i ask to increase my stipend Rs.1500/- to Rs.4500/- per month whats wrong in it?

5) Shall i leave C.A after coming in C.A Final?? as there is no differance in beggars & me....