What courage is...

ANU BANSAL ("Love urself the most.........")   (2482 Points)

24 June 2013  


To really make change, we must have courage: the courage to imagine something

new, the courage to act, and the courage to persist through setbacks. We all

recognize those leaders whose dramatic acts of courage changed the world.

But courage is not always about big, dramatic events. It is often about quiet,

determined action every day, at work and at home. Courage is taking responsibility

for ur own life and stop blaming everything outside of you for the reason why u

were not successful on ur own terms.

In Short, what courage is:


Courage is to say "Sorry" when you've wronged someone.

 Courage is  to be introspective and honest with yourself.

Courage is  to join a cause you believe in and to do all you can to help it succeed.

Courage is to even imagine a different future.

Courage is to have a voice for yourself.

Courage is to identify in your  life what is good and building upon it and knowing that what is Not good for you needs to be changed and then working to change it.

Courage is stepping out of your comfort zone and taking a risk that you might succeed

Courage is working to see that your educational dreams and goals are realized

Courage is recognizing the special talents and ability you have to offer your world,

your community, your family.

Courage is Believing in yourself