what companies look in ca candidates before hiring
Is articleship from a reputed firm is prerequisite
CA Mayank Gupta (Chartered Accountant) (95 Points)
19 August 2008what companies look in ca candidates before hiring
Is articleship from a reputed firm is prerequisite
(CA Final)
(140 Points)
Replied 20 August 2008
Hey mayank........
I am also wandering about about thsiquestion
I guess some body having very good position in the organation and who is involved ion the recruitment can answer the same...............
(5452 Points)
Replied 20 August 2008
A decision to hire a professional like CA is generally taken by a person of the same profession which may be a senior by experience possessed by him. In such a case he may know the working experience and test the candidate by discussing issues relating to various provisions, procedures and AS etc. Personality and communication skill do matter in taking a decision to hire a person fron CA profession. However, if the decision is left to a person not from the profession, he/she may ask you certain personal questions and take a decision on that basis and in such a case the results and output given by the candidate help in taking the decision for the confirmation of that candidate.
C.A Tarun Shah
(271 Points)
Replied 20 August 2008
According to mine experience co.look person knowledge,his attitide towards work ,his goal .... etc.
(22 Points)
Replied 29 August 2008
Can part time COP sign the Tax audit report, and Audited companies balance sheet
25 Hours GST Scrutiny of Return and Notice Handling(With Recording)