Primary key plays a very important role in a table. A Primary Key is the one which uniquely identifies a row of a table. A primary key is used to create a relationship between two tables. This key does not allow duplicate values and also does not allow null values.
For example:
UserId FirstName LastName
1 John Smith
2 Simon Douglas
3 Bob Franklin
It will not the values as follows:
UserId FirstName LastName
1 John Smith
1 Simon Douglas
2 Bob Franklin
Unique key is similar to Primary Key. Unique key is the one which uniquely identifies a row of a table. It will not allow duplicate values but it allows null values. So, it’s advisable to declare a primary key.
A foreign key is a field that points to the primary key of another table.
For example:
PersonalDetails_table RegistrationDetails_table
UserId ID
FirstName UserId
LastName RegistrationDate
In the above relation, UserId field is common in both the tables. The field UserId is a primary key of PersonalDetails _table and a foreign key of RegistrationDetails_table.