Ways to make google search effective

GaUrAv (C.A. and MOS) (574 Points)

27 January 2009  

Hi guys everytime we search on google there are so many same keywords on the website that we have to look for every website and still dont get the answer but i am giving you few tips so that you can filter your search and get to your answers easily................................

When you search in google you can do word prioritization and word elimination by using simple syntax such as placing " " between the word/phrase you want to search tells google to exactly find this word or phrase in the website, and adding - (hyphen) before a words means that google will not show in the search results websites that contains the word/phrase after the - (hypen).

To find out the files
* PDF - service oriented architecture filetype:pdf
* PPT - service oriented architecture filetype:ppt
* DOC - service oriented architecture filetype:doc

Meanings of any word in an instant
Now you do not have to carry a dictionary or install a dictionary software just for the purpose of finding out a meaning of a word. With the wealth of information in Google’s hands, its a piece of cake to find out the meaning of the word. Just use the define: keyword. The meaning would of course be displayed but also a set of other links which might have an alternative definition are also given out with the link to read more about it.

* define:beureaucracy

Find the time of any location
Many of us might be probably working for client which are based at different locations. And communication has to be carried out frequently carried out in such cases. But before a communication you have to know which time zone the location is falling into otherwise you would be causing a disturbance.

I have seen people installing time zone software for showing the time of the location they would be calling to. But with Google at your hands you don’t have to install any software. It would be just simple to use a query for finding the current time such as,

* time new york

Weather at your fingertips
If you are thinking to visit a place it is useful to know what the temperature of the place is before hand, it can make efficient packing. Google helps you here too. Just use this query without asking anybody or waiting for the news to make a weather report. I wish I had thought of this!

* goa weather

Calculate with your browser
Every OS has a calculator inbuilt but when the browser is the thing which is constantly open whey bother to open up a calculator. Open Google and straight away type your mathematical expression. You can go all the way from basic arithmetic to trigonometrical expressions. This is simply amazing stuff accomplished by Google.

* 26 * 9000
* sin(90) / cos (90)

Compare your currency with others
Now that the dollar is declining, the rest of the world must be busy trying to check the impact of the dollar on their currencies. But first of all one must know how much a particular currency amounts to when cashed in another currency. Google’s inbuilt currency converter just does this.

* 1 USD in INR
* 1 EUR in INR


Any suggestion, recommendations and additions are welcome..........


Hope you find this useful next time u search on google..