Refer AS-30: appendix A : point A-85: it reads If value of any Financial istrument which was recognised as asset falls below '0' a financial liability is recognised . Here it refers to loss on derivatives - Call /Put etc. as well as options written for physical delivery on which there may be lossesat teh date of B/S.
Secondly, under AS : 23 : While preparing Consoldated B/S Investment in Associaets are initially measured at cost and then profits from from Associaes area dded in it and losses are subtracted, and if at any stage losses ecxcced the original cost value becomes negative , but is taken at '0' NIL.
PARA 18 AS-23 IF under the equity method, an investor’s share of losses of an associate equals or exceeds the carrying amount of the investment, the investor ordinarily discontinues recognizing its share of further losses and the investment is reported at nil value. Additional losses are provided for to the extent that the investor has incurred oligastions or made payments on behalf of the associate to satisfy obligations of the associate that the investor has guaranteed or to which the investor is otherwise committed.
here value of invesment will become negative and a liability will have to be recognised
It was tough one for u as student. But u folks are always welcome to put ur queries on SFM/FIN.REP./AS will try my best to spare time and answer.