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Want To Be Successful in Life ? Sleep less...

Page no : 2

*RENU SINGH * (✩ §m!ℓ!ñġ €ม€§ fℓม!ñġ ђ♪gђ✩ )   (21627 Points)
Replied 24 September 2012

For me sleep pattern change as per the needs ....

for example :- If I know there is some important function or some work in the early morning ... I will wake up at the same time without any alarm. no matter even if I slept late or not ...

the same thing also happen in exams ....where I don't feel sleepy at all ...unless I hav not completed everything.


but on the contrary ... if I know that i have no other responsibility ... I can even sleep till 8 Am  .....Almost 3 hours more than my normal wake up time ...

I don't think that someone need to really compromise with their sleep patterns unless it's not really important to do so.

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Budding Professional (B.Com, CA & CS FINAL) (1686 Points)
Replied 24 September 2012

The day a person realises and starts loving the "Beauty of the Duty", every other luxury and necessity deems like "Just another thing" to him.


Duty doesn't necessarily means the work, its ur desire to do the things that you are passionate about. And there is a huge difference betwwen "Waking for a purpose and Waking up unnecessarily"

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CA Lokesh Pokharna (CA (Ahmedabad Bhilwara Chittorgarh))   (4128 Points)
Replied 24 September 2012

Well said Veeral, i really appreaciate your efforts.....i didnt mean to take this forum different way, as you talked only about 3% peoples, so its good if by reading this forum at least 3% ccities will adopt this principal...

whatever i said, was totally  my personal experience...not applies to all ... 

But peoples should at least try to wake up around 5.00 AM, advantages are follows.

1- at 5.00 am very fresh air, least pollutioned air very helpful for health.

2- meditation, yoga, & other fitness activites in  very calm envirounment, very helpful.

3- planning of whole day( that what you  have to do in this day)


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Well said Lokesh…


If  someone does not belong to the category of 1-3%, my advice to them is  to wake up atleast before the sunrise (They may well sleep for 8 hours, if they want).


The advantages of waking up early have already been described by Lokesh. I thank him for that.


Further, I would like to share with all of you,  the benefits of waking up early. I have obtained below matter from the wordpress.com. I hope, it will be very useful to all of us :


Benefits of waking up early :


Waking up early has innumerable benefits. The first advantage is the extra time gained in the day. If you wake up two hours early, rather than sleeping for 8 or even 10 hours (quite a normal feat for me sometimes) you’ll gain two precious hours that you can put to use. Two extra hours might mean time to work out, meditate, cook something by yourself (which means you’ll be eating food which is more healthy and cheap — and sometimes even more tasty!), write a short story, or pursue a hobby. Wake up at 6, and even if you have a one-hour commute to work, you can fit in time for a quick workout, meditation, cooking and email– all before you’ve even reached work.

  1. Waking up early usually mean that your day gets a great start. First, you’ll be proud of yourself for waking up so early, and achieving one of your goals. You might be able to reward yourself by catching a glimpse of the sunrise, or appreciating the breaking morning sky. And usually, if your day has a great start, the rest of day follows in a similarly happy pattern. Or at least you’re in a good mood and better able to deal well with setbacks or frustrations.


  1. You get time to work on an important goal that you might not usually have time for. Many great writers used to write in the morning, before they went off to their day jobs. Nell Fredeunberger, a writer I’m very impressed by, mentions that while she was working full-time at the New Yorker Magazine, she would write out a short story in the mornings before she arrived at work. Her short stories have been published, and won prestigious awards; her second book, a novel, has also been recently published. By waking up early, you make time for yourself, and for things which are important to you, but might otherwise be crammed out of your life. Even if you choose to work at your usual job, you can get more work by the end of the day. Your personal productivity goes up, if you wake earlier.


  1. Mornings are a great time for work, since they tend to be quiet and uninterrupted. During the day, you might not be able to devote all of yourself to a pet project: you might need to keep an ear open for your phone even while you meditate, your kids might walk in clamoring for attention when you’re trying to type out witty dialogue for your screenplay. Waking up early is a great way to find a chunk of peaceful, productive time. Once again, even if you choose to do some “regular” work in this time, you’ll be much more productive than  you would normally be during the day, when coworkers and bosses would demand your time every few minutes, as well as your spouse on the phone and friends on IM. In the morning, you won’t be exhausted from work or burdened with worries, so it’s easier to get work done faster, too.


  1. Waking early allows you to actually have breakfast. Many people are used to skipping breakfast, and may think that breakfast isn’t such a big deal. But once you start waking early and having the time to have a nutritious and healthy breakfast, you’ll notice what an energy boost it is, and how much more alert you seem throughout the day.



  1. Finally, waking early means that early appointments are easier to meet and will be more productive. Whether it’s a class, or a client, if you wake early you won’t need to be groggy and half-alert. Class attendance has been proven to have a strong positive correlation with grades, and if you can meet a client before your competitors, or even before he gets to his other work, you will have a strong competitive advantage. 


Many people mistakenly believe that they’re night owls and that waking early has no real benefit for them. This is a rather widely-held misconception. Anyone can wake up early, once they’ve gotten used to it. It’s true that the first few days of suddenly waking up early are likely to be difficult, but once the routine is set, it’s not that difficult. And being a night owl is not really that productive, it just mistakenly seems that way– a fact that becomes evident once you’re used to the habit of starting your day early.


If you’re already an early riser, congratulations! Waking up early is a difficult habit to establish, and as difficult to re-establish once you lapse.



Veeral Gandhi

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Parashar (Company Secretary 2004) (1013 Points)
Replied 24 September 2012

"Jo sowat hai wo khowat hai, jo jagat hain wo pawat hai" a saying by our ancestorals, must be something behind such phrases.

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Originally posted by : Parashar

"Jo sowat hai wo khowat hai, jo jagat hain wo pawat hai" a saying by our ancestorals, must be something behind such phrases.

That's very true Parashar !


A former President of ICAI is an Independent director in the company in which I am employed. Once, he visited our Legal & Secretarial department for some work. At that time, I got an opportunity to share some moments with this great personality. He said that from his childhood he used to wake up everyday at 4:00 am and offer worship to idol of Lord Krishna after taking a bath. After, offering worship, he used to visit temple and come back to home for studying. He has been a topper throughout his life. He really inspired me to lead a disciplined life.


Another professional who inspired me, is currently a council member of ICSI. I met him when I attended a training session conducted by ICSI. He wakes up everyday at 4:30 am and performs meditation. Later, he goes for a morning walk. After coming home, he reads some good books and financial journals.


I have seen several professionals who wake up before sunrise. I hope that this post will help fellow members to lead a disciplined life. Those who wake up late may take an oath from today that they will become early risers from tomorrow onwards.



Veeral Gandhi

kishore (STUDENT(IPCC)) (867 Points)
Replied 24 September 2012

I don't thnk about sleeping .... how much u sleep does'nt matter for success....matter is how much time u awake is important....


what u ll do while u awake is important...... 


Lion sleep 20 hours in a day...

Donkey slwwp just 3 hours in a day.....

hence Lion is King of all animals..

what I mean in we should not waste when we a awake..



For every human its 24 hours only... success will come from how we spend the time and allocate.. not in a single day... its from age of 14 yrs 

every success ful man realise at the age of 14 from then he will start working hard ..

sleep 8 hrs nd struggle for 16 hours...

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Derar Kishore,


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Veeral Gandhi


Even HARBHAJAN SINGH Was sleeping for about five and a half hours in a span of 24 hours but now he is striving to increase that to come back once again in form.


My suggestion is dont compromise on your sleep. Sleep well (8-9 hrs daily). 


Dont make your life miserable by following others lifestyles, just because those elite class succeeded in their life in monetary terms that does not mean they lived/living a happy life.


Enjoy your life the you want to. Make your own rules in life. 


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Mr. Gandhi has rightly said, but the thing is , the hours you sleep never matters, what matters the most, is how you sleep, some people will never feel active even sleeping for 10 hrs some find in just 3 hours, sleep has got three stages, Stage 1 , 2 and 3, in the cycle of 8 hrs, people rarely go to third stage for more the 20 minutes, but if you can really control you mind then within 3 hours you may sleep and go to third stage for more then one hour, which is more then beneficial, then roll and crawling on the bed for 8 hrs, the people who do great things have a complete control over their brains, so they achieve, proper sleep, as we always say in studying, only quality matters and not the quantity, same implies to sleep, - these or not my personal views, but still I believe this,

(some one said of lions sleep, but it is not sleep, rather an apt term is hibernation)

Deepak kumar sharma (Govt. job) (2946 Points)
Replied 24 September 2012

So the essence is here

Sleep as more as you need to feel fresh, not more not less

It is not the quantity of sleep that counts

It is discipline, dedication and quality of work which matters

Have balanced sleep unlike famous brother of Raavan

Good night is equal important as good day

I will say "Sleep well instead of sleep less"

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Namrata (Spirutial Being) (1841 Points)
Replied 24 September 2012

I dont know wheather short duration sleep leads to sucess or not 

But my parent always tell me to study in the early morning i.e. from 3am to 6 am which is known as Brahmamurtha for better concentration and it is said tat you tend to remember for long time what u read in this period

Budding Professional (B.Com, CA & CS FINAL) (1686 Points)
Replied 24 September 2012

Originally posted by : Hari H

Even HARBHAJAN SINGH Was sleeping for about five and a half hours in a span of 24 hours but now he is striving to increase that to come back once again in form.


My suggestion is dont compromise on your sleep. Sleep well (8-9 hrs daily). 


Dont make your life miserable by following others lifestyles, just because those elite class succeeded in their life in monetary terms that does not mean they lived/living a happy life.


Enjoy your life the you want to. Make your own rules in life. 



Though it is not my humble request,but I will really appreciate if you can specify the source of such accurate information about Harbhajan SIngh. And talking of Harbhajan Singh, he has made himself a source of inspiration and admiration and has earned accolades for himself,the nation and the profession. He was not dropped because he was not sleeping for 8-9 hours.cheeky And he has come back, courtesy to the hard work (playing in the counties) and no doubt, he must had some sleepless nights in the process.


Talkiing at the personal level, I really love the way you come up with your counter offensive posts at times and I assure you that if you continue like this, one day you will surely become my fan.cheeky You offended well, but that was not good enough to make someone feel the blues. Hope you will get better with time.wink

And it is because of ones own rules that one is able to speak volumes about their opinion.

Sorry professionals, I made the discussion look murkier as we were approaching the business end of the discussion, but I just couldn't have resisted myself.

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Originally posted by : NEERAJ SINGH

Sorry professionals, I made the discussion look murkier as we were approaching the business end of the discussion, but I just couldn't have resisted myself.


Neeraj, you needn't apologise, as you have made the discussion even more interesting, by pulling legs of Hari ! cheekyLike you, even I love the way by which Hari comes up with his counter offensive replies ! His replies may be counter-offensive but they never really hurt me, as they are full of child like outspokenness. Such people make discussions even more interesting !


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Originally posted by : NEERAJ SINGH

Originally posted by : Hari H

Even HARBHAJAN SINGH Was sleeping for about five and a half hours in a span of 24 hours but now he is striving to increase that to come back once again in form.


My suggestion is dont compromise on your sleep. Sleep well (8-9 hrs daily). 


Dont make your life miserable by following others lifestyles, just because those elite class succeeded in their life in monetary terms that does not mean they lived/living a happy life.


Enjoy your life the you want to. Make your own rules in life. 



Though it is not my humble request,but I will really appreciate if you can specify the source of such accurate information about Harbhajan SIngh. And talking of Harbhajan Singh, he has made himself a source of inspiration and admiration and has earned accolades for himself,the nation and the profession. He was not dropped because he was not sleeping for 8-9 hours. And he has come back, courtesy to the hard work (playing in the counties) and no doubt, he must had some sleepless nights in the process.

Can you specify the source of information that Harbhajan singh was not dropped becuase he was not sleeping for 8-9 hours and all that....its my humble request..



Talkiing at the personal level, I really love the way you come up with your counter offensive posts at times and I assure you that if you continue like this, one day you will surely become my fan. You offended well, but that was not good enough to make someone feel the blues. Hope you will get better with time.

I fail to understand Why exactly  you felt offended by my post ?? is it because of your name and Harbhajan's name ends with SINGH?? 

People become fan to those human beings who have achieved somehting extraordinary  in their life. so am deeply regret i wont be able to become fan of yours in future too....If you have any such wrong expectation.. then please erase it from your mind. 




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