Waiting For Success-------Ways to Motivate Yourself !!!!

Mukesh Choraria (Professional Motivator) (853 Points)

06 February 2011  


There will be moments in life when you're ready to pursue something. Ideally something big, your dream. Something that you know you wanted to do, probably for the rest of your life. By all means, you could start doing it in a heartbeat; but the timing isn't right.








When you have that desire for success, as difficult as it is to move forward, it is just as difficult to stay put. By the way, if you're experiencing this, you would know what I'm talking about. You have a plan. You are going to do something, that ONE BIG thing, but you can't / choose not to do it right now.







You know this is happening to you when every move you make, you feel clunky. It's a feeling like your right foot is chained to the wall while your left foot always tries to move forward, all the time. For whatever reason, in fact, for some good, logical or inevitable reasons, you choose to wait. You have a timetable that is set. You are excited. This is something that you had been waiting for.






This isn't like a vacation or something that you earned, this is about something that you need to work on. But you're excited, yes; because this is something that you know YOU WOULD BE SUCCEEDING at. You just can't do it right now, for any reasons that are just as good; or even better.




If you have greatness in that plan, with a clear set of goals and what to do until then, stay put with the plan. Staying put here is not procrastinating. You know exactly where you are going and you know exactly why you do what you're doing.

The most important thing, stick with the plan. I know it's difficult, and believe me, I'm working on this as I'm writing this article. A few key points to motivate yourself during this process:


1. Hang in there - calmly.

This can't be more important than anything else. Bite your tongue, slap your wrist, anything that would stop yourself from ruining the plan. Take a deep breath. Inhale deeply, exhale slowly. Do it three times. Do it every single time you're ready to explode.

2. Keep your eyes on the reward.

Remind yourself that this is just a small part of the master plan. Close your eyes and imagine the future. Picture yourself where you are going to be, look back to this very day, and smile. Now open your eyes.

3. Enjoy the process.

Why? Because 20 years from now, you will look back at these days, and laugh about it. After you laugh, you would realize that had you not been here today, had you not gone through any of these, you might not turned out to be who you are today. You are who you are because of these processes.

4. Learn.

Never stop learning. Read books. Listen to Audio CD. Learn more, not just about your Course, but also about other extended area that might be in touch with your plan. Preparation is the key. Some people don't have that privilege. They're forced to jump both feet, ready-or-not. You have this advantage. Use it well.

5. Save money/secure your resources.

Need I explain any further?

6. Network.

Build your relationships before you need them. Dig your well before you get thirsty. Start early, get ahead. You don't need these right now, therefore no pressure on yourself. Relax. Enjoy. Learn something. If it doesn't work, try different groups or people. You've got time, right? In fact, time is all about that you have right now.

7. Keep yourself busy.

If nothing else is left to do, or you just need to get a break from constructing this master plan...keep yourself busy. Do anything that will distract your mind from your current situation. Do something joyful. Play. Spend time with people that you care the most. Enjoy life. You'll get there when the time comes.

You don't think the plan is going to work, you KNOW so. Being anxious is totally useless right now, might as well have fun. My point: You can do it. You know what you are doing, and you're doing the right thing. Just calm down, stay put and knowing this will all pay off in the end.