dear friends
Please help me to how to use vlookup formula and just simple steps for vlookup and hlookup in excel
milind shrikant deoghare (service/ student ) (1299 Points)
25 November 2015dear friends
Please help me to how to use vlookup formula and just simple steps for vlookup and hlookup in excel
Krishna Nayak
(web developer)
(78 Points)
Replied 25 November 2015
=VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, range_lookup)
HLOOKUP works just like VLOOKUP, but horizontally rather than vertically. So everything I say about VLOOKUP also applies to HLOOKUP.
Excel’s Best Lookup Method: INDEX-MATCH :
The most powerful and flexible way to look up data in Excel is the INDEX-MATCH method. It relies on two Excel functions:
=INDEX(reference, row_num, column_num)
reference—a range of cells
row_num—the row in reference from which to return data.
column_num—the column in reference from which to return data.
If reference is one row or column, the INDEX function can use this syntax:=INDEX(reference, cell_num)
=MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, match_type)
lookup_value—The value to match in lookup_array.
lookup_array—A range of cells with data.
match_type—Specifies how Excel matches the lookup_value with values in the lookup_array. For exact matches, always use 0 for this argument.
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