there is a pvt ltd co. wid 3 members. Co. is accepting a project from another co.,is there any way, so that profit/loss of the so called project will be shared by only 2 members..
CA Sumiit B Nagpal (Business) (1077 Points)
06 October 2011there is a pvt ltd co. wid 3 members. Co. is accepting a project from another co.,is there any way, so that profit/loss of the so called project will be shared by only 2 members..
Sunil Singh Thakur
(295 Points)
Replied 06 October 2011
the profit and loss of the company is shared among the shareholders of the company by declartion of dividend which is paid in proportion to the shareholding. Thus, profit & loss as a whole is shared among all shereowners.
However, if on account of any reason whatsoever, the third shareholder dod not want to take the risk to share loss or profit, the remainig shareholder may enter into an agreement with the company obliquely.
for instance, if there are 3 shareholders A,B and C and A and B want to share profit/loss of acertain project with another company, they should enter into an agreement with ABC ltd that the profit/loss arising out of such projects would be distributed as commission/any other nomenclature among two shareholders A and B.
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