Very new to cs.... please help!!!
Shikha Singhania (CA FINAL) (237 Points)
22 January 2012Shikha Singhania (CA FINAL) (237 Points)
22 January 2012
(111 Points)
Replied 22 January 2012
hii.....first thing would be 7 days SIP .......after that computer training at aptech .......write 6 cc papers .......fill exam form before due date .....appear for exams of executive
cc papers are compulsory but in exam form u can write as 'awaited' if u have not written
Shikha Singhania
(237 Points)
Replied 23 January 2012
i hav done my IT training for PCC so id that an exemption from the training at APTECH???
n do i hav to go for SIP b4 the exam??
Ashutosh Sharma
(49 Points)
Replied 27 January 2012
U can apply for the expemtion test on basis of IT training undergone in CA programme.
(Student )
(92 Points)
Replied 12 March 2012
Hello Shikha,
First of all congrats for joining Company Secratary Course. Now regarding your queries:
Since you have completed 100 Hours of IT training from ICAI, you may opt for Exemption Test from Sify. If you clear the test, you will be exempted from joining the computer training conducted bu ICSI.
You can read about details of the Exemption Test conducted by Sify as well as the procedure to enroll yourself for the test at
Regarding SIP, It's a one week programme, somewhat similar to Orientation Program introduced by ICAI for the IPCC candidates. So I believe, SIP has tp be completed before appearing in the exam.
About Respones Sheets: Submitting response sheets is mandatory for appearing the exam. a student has to submit only one response sheet each for the subject he/she is going to appear.
Chandan Kumar
(Strategy Analyst)
(384 Points)
Replied 12 March 2012
1.Dont write CC, Nobody cares fo it...I didn't and many of my friends are CS w/o ever writing any Postals...such a waste of time....
2. Claim exemption from Computer training basis ur CA 100 hrs CCT.
3. Just chill and sit for the exams and u'll b through.
P.S - Even if u forget everything plz rem to fill up d exam form (Dats all required to sit in d