Very interesting lines....!

RaGHuRaM (The Easy are never Good and the Good are never Easy....)   (4952 Points)

25 April 2012  

There are two things that we have to learn from a child.... To be happy for no reason.:) To be always busy doing some thing.

Road has speed limit Bank has money limit Exam has time limit Building has height limit  But THINKING has no limit THINK BIG AND ACHIEVE BIG....

The Amazing truth about a Human TONGUE: It takes 3 YEARS to learn HOW 2 use it But It takes a LIFETIME 2 learn WHEN & WHERE to use it.  

The Plus Symbol Is Made With Two Minus Symbols! So All Negative Things Can Be Shaped As Positives By Our Smart Work & Positive Thinking..

No One can Destroy IRON but its own RUST can. Likewise,No 1 can Destroy a Person but his Own Mind can. Our Thoughts Change Our Life & Personality-:)

People are made to be loved &  money is made to be used.  The confusion in the world is people are being used & money is being loved. ​