Verification/rechecking of ipcc papers

priyankadimri (student) (724 Points)

06 February 2013  

i have appeared for ca ipcc novembr 2012 exams..n i have got 186 marks in grup 1st..  i want to give my 1st grup papers(all) for recheking/ according 2 icai..there are 2 is verificatn and the other is inspectn.. in verificatn there is only retotaling of marks and cheking dat whethr the compilatn of answer sheets is corct or not..and nothing like recheking of papr...

And in inspectn..according 2 d icai website...evaluated answer book prvides information for academic guidance but does not provide ne remedy in case of any dispenseries which may b noticed in inspection.......n dat also meanss dat evn if during rechecking our marks r gettng increasd dn also they vl not do it...coz it is against the normss...

  so what shud i do????? plzz plzz plzz dere ne mistake dat i m making in undrstanding dese lines..plzz help..