


  1. "Yatra Naryastu Pujyante, Ramante Tatra devatah" - The Gods are pleased where the women are held in esteem. (Manu).
  2. " Kena Esha Nirmita Nari Mohini " - Who has made the bewitching woman.
  3. "Ano Bhadra Krittavo Yantu Vishwatah" - Let noble thoughts come to us from all corners of the Universe. (Rig Veda)
  4. "Mahatma Sudurlabhah" - Rare indeed is that Great Soul. (Gita-7-19)
  5. "Pranavah Sarva Vedeshu" - I am the syllable 'Om' in all the Vedas. (Gita-7-8)
  6. "Na-anyat-tasya-asti Bheshajam" - There is no other remedy for this (misery). (Ashtavakra Gita)
  7. "Bhogechha-matrako Bandhah, Tat-tyago Moksha Uchyate" - Sensuous desires alone are bondage; their renunciation is called Liberation. (Mahopanishad)
  8. "Ya Matih, Sa gatih" -As we think, so we become.(Ashtavakra Gita)
  9. "Sarva-rambheshu Nishkamo Yas-charet Balavan-munih" - The Wise-one, who has no motive in all his actions, moves like a child. (Ashtavakra Gita).
  10. "Sabda-jalam Maharanyam Chitta-bhramana-karanam" - The wordy-arguments are a dense-forest, which makes the mind lose its way and wander about. (Adi Sankara-Vivekachudamani).
  11. "Mameti Bandhyate Jantur-nirmameti Vimuchyate" - While 'Mineness' binds, 'Not-mineness' releases living beings. (Mahopanishad)
  12. "Akasa-vad-anantah-aham, Ghatavat-prakrutam Jagat" - Infinite as Space am I, and the phenomenal world is like a limited-jar. (Ashtavakra Gita).
  13. "Padama-dyamana-dyantam Tasya Bijam Na Vidyate" - That which has neither a beginning nor an end, can have no cause for itself. (Annapurnopanishad).
  14. "Nirdosham Hi Samam Brahma" -  The Supreme is the flawless state, the same everywhere. (Gita: 5-19).
  15. "Kshudram Hrudaya Dourbalyam Tyaktva-uttishta Paramtapa" - Rise, O hero, casting off your petty faint-heartedness. (Gita: 2-3). This is the first and foremost of Krishna's mandates to Arjuna.
  16. "Mookam Karoti Vachalam, Pangum Langhayate Girim" - His grace makes the dumb eloquent and the cripple cross mountains. (Gita Dhyanam-8).
  17. "Jatasya Hi  Dhruvo Mrityu" - Death is certain of that which is born. (Gita: 2-27).
  18. "Niyatam Kuru Karma Tvam, Karma Jyayo Hi Akarmanah" - Engage yourself in obligatory work, for action is superior to inaction. (Gita: 3-8). Bathing, eating, sleeping etc. are called as 'Nitya-karma' or obligatory work.
  19. "Svadharme Nidhanam Sreyah" - Death in one's own dharma is better. (Gita:3-35).
  20. "Yad-yad-acharati Shreshtas, Tat-tat-eva-itaro Janah" - Whatever a great man does is followed by others. (Gita: 3-21).
  21. "Jnanagni Sarva Karmani Bhasmasat Kurute Tatha" - So does the fire of knowledge reduce all karmas to ashes. (Gita: 4-37).
  22. "Ajnanena Avritam Jnanam, Tena Muhyanti Jantavah" - Knowledge is veiled by ignorance; mortals are thereby deluded. (Gita: 5-15).
  23. "Karishye Vachanam Tava" - I shall act according to your word. This is Arjuna's concluding statement. What he declined to do at the start, that he chooses to do at the end. This is the result of right understanding. (Gita: 18-73).
  24. "Shanno Astu Dwipade Sham Chatushpade" - Let not only two-legged, but four-legged beings also thrive. (Rig Veda).
  25. "Aksharam Brahma Paramam" - The imperishable is Brahman, the Supreme. It is supremely above time, space and causation. (Gita: 8-3).
  26. "Sarvasya Cha Aham Hrdi Samnivishtah" - And i am seated in the hearts of all. The Lord resides as Consciousness in the hearts of all. (Gita: 15-15).
  27. "Prasaktah Kamabhogeshu, Patanti Naraka Asuchau" - Addicted to the gratification of lust, they fall into a foul hell. (Gita: 16-16).
  28. "Asantasya Kutah Sukham" - How can the peaceless enjoy happiness. (Gita: 2-66).
  29. "Sarvopanishado Gavo, Dogdha Gopala Nandanah" - All the Upanishads are the cows, the milker is Krishna-the cowherd boy. (Gita Dhyanam -4)
  30. "Yena Tvaya Bharata Tailapurnah, Prajvalito Jnanamayah Pratipah" - By whom (Vyasa) the lamp of knowledge, filled with the oil of the Mahabharata, has been lighted. (Gita Dhyanam -2).
  31. "Aneka Janma Samsiddhas Tato Yati Param gatim" - After many lives of 'Sadhana', people attain the Supreme Brahman. (Gita: 6-45).
  32. "Bahunam Janmanam Ante Jnanavan Mam Prapadyate" - At the end of numerous lives only, a man knows me(Krishna) and reaches me. (Gita: 7-19). 
  33. "Joshayet Sarva Karmani, Vidvan Yuktah Samacharan" - By doing persistently and precisely, let the wise men induce the others in all activities. (Gita: 3-26).
  34. "Utsideyur Ime Loka Na Kuryaam Karma Ched Aham" - These worlds would perish if I (Krishna) did not do action. (Gita: 3-24). The potentiality of a seed is known only when it sprouts and grows. The worth of a man is known only through his actions.
  35. "Karmanaiva Hi Samsiddhim Asthita Janakaadayah" - Janaka and others indeed achieved perfection by action. (Gita: 3-20). Raja-rishis such as Janaka and Aswapati were engaged in the active and efficient administration of their kingdoms; but their aim in life was Self-realization and they got it.
  36. "Yatha Na Toyato Bhinnas-tarangah Fena-bud-budah" - As waves, foam and bubbles are not different from the waters. (Ashtavakra Gita). Janaka employs this analogy to evaluate the spiritual experience.
  37. "Aho Vikalpitam Visvam-ajnanan-mayi Bhasate" - O! Marvellous! The universe appears in Me, misapprehended through 'ignorance'. (Ashtavakra Gita). This is another example given by Janaka.
  38. "Aho Aham Namo Mahyam Vinasho Yasya Nasti Me" - Marvellous am I! Adoration to Myself who know no decay and survive even the destruction of the universe. (Ashtavakra Gita). This is the chorus running through this Gita.
  39. "Nayam-atma Pravachanena Labhyo Na Medhaya Na Bahuna Shrutena" - This Atman cannot be attained by study of Vedas, nor by intelligence, nor by much hearing. (Kathopanishad)
  40. "Tvam Hi Nah Pita Yo-asmakam Avidyayah Param Paaram Taarayasiti" - Thou art our father who helps to go across the ocean of our thick ignorance. (Prasnopanishad)
  41. "Na Shantam Stauti Nishkamo Na Dushtam-api Nindati" - The desireless-one has neither praise for the calm, nor even blame for the wicked. (Ashtavakra Gita). Ashtavakra here explains the state of perfection as conceived by the great Rishis.
  42. "Dehe Vigalit-asasya Kva Ragah Kva Viragata" - Where is attachment, and where is aversion for him, whose love for the body has vanished ? (Ashtavakra Gita). Ashtavakra describes the attitude of the Liberated-in-life. To him the body has become a dry leaf that has fallen away.
  43. "Durat Sudure Tad-ihantike Cha Pasyat-svihaiva Nihitam Guhayam" - Further than the farthest, It is here within the body. The sages realize It verily in this life as fixed in the heart. (Mundakopanishad).
  44. "Mamedam-iti Bandhaya Naham-ityeva Muktaye" - The idea of 'this is mine' takes you to bondage; the idea 'I am not' lead you to liberation. This is what bondage is, which is in your own hands. (Yoga Vasishta).
  45. "Yatha Na Jayate Kinchit Jayamanam Samantatah" - From which nothing is, in reality, born; though it appears to have manifested in endless forms. (Mandukya Upanishad). Gaudapada gives this philosophical exposition.
  46. "Karmeva Deho Nanu Deha Eva Chitham Tad-evaham-itih Jivah" - The body is nothing but the effects of the past actions; and the mind that prompts the body is itself dynamised by the intelligent-ego 'Jiva'. (Yoga Vasishta).
  47. "Asha Hi Paramam Duhkham Nairasyam Paramam Sukham" - Desire indeed is the supreme source of sorrow; desirelessness the source of extreme happiness. (Bhagavatham).
  48. "Visuddham Nirgunam Brahma Bandho Mukhtih Katham Mama" - I am all Pure Brahman- without any attributes. How then should there be in Me anything like bondage or liberation ? (Avadhuta Gita: I-58).
  49. "Kuramgali-patamgebha-minas-tvekai-kaso Hatah" - The deer, black-bee, butterfly, elephant, fish - each one of these, meets with its death because of its attachment to one or the other of its sense-organs. (Yoga Vasishta). The ignorant-man is attached to all his five-senses; and how can he ever find happiness in this world ?
  50. "Yesham Vrittih Sama Vriddha Paripakva Cha Sa punah, Te vai sad-brahmatam Prapta Netare Sabda-vadinah" - Those who have purified their minds aand cultivated the alertness necessary to comprehend the Self, they alone apprehend the Pure Brahman - not others who merely prattle the dialects and quote the letter of the Sastras. (Tejobindu Upanishad).