Can you help me with the proceedure, when consignor carries goods to other state ( Inter-State) for Exhibition-cum-sale purpose, where the consignor is a VAT registered dealer. What about tax liablity on sales / return of goods.
Vishnu (oa) (24 Points)
19 September 2009Hi,
Can you help me with the proceedure, when consignor carries goods to other state ( Inter-State) for Exhibition-cum-sale purpose, where the consignor is a VAT registered dealer. What about tax liablity on sales / return of goods.
Manish Gupta
(38 Points)
Replied 13 October 2009
Dear Friend,
The consignor can carry goods on its letter head showing the goods to be on the sample basis for the demonstration purpose . But samples are always small quantity and it cannot be in bulk. You cannot fool the sales Tax officers at the check post.
Secondly , if you have sold out the sample goods in the exhbition at the time of display then you simply take the appropriate Tax as per your state rule and mention samples taken to the ..... state sold out during exhibiton.
I hope I have answered your queries. I am usually transferring many of my machines worth thousands on the basis of sample for display from delhi to across India uptill kanyakumari without any hassle.
Thirdly, You simply have your letter head copy on the basis of which you brought goods in any state , now you have full right to take it back on producing same documents to take your cargo aftter the exhibiton.
Bye tc.