Dear Sir,
Please suggest :
1) was vat applicable on Bricks in Haryana fy 2016-17
2) if applicable, specify the vat rate
With Regards,
Dhirajlal Rambhia
(SEO Sai Gr. Hosp.)
(182812 Points)
Replied 03 May 2018
It was revised in August 2015 to 30%.....
Extracted ......The amendment in Rule 47 has been made to revise the lump sum rates of tax in respect of Brick Kiln Owners (BKOs) who have opted for lump sum payment of tax. The Brick Kiln of A+ category with capacity of more than 33 number of Ghoris would have to pay Rs 4,01,856 plus Rs 13,995 per additional ghori above 33 ghoris. The Brick Kiln of A category with capacity of 28 to 33 number of Ghoris would have to pay Rs 4,01,856 and B category with capacity of 22 to 27 number of Ghoris would have to pay Rs 3,13,950. Similarly, C category brick kiln with capacity of below 22 number of Ghoris would have to pay Rs 2,50,900 and D category brick kiln not fired during the year ending September 30th in which stock in and outside the kiln as on October 1 of last year, did not exceed five lakh bricks of all categories would have to pay Rs 62,700. If a kiln is designed to be fired at two places, the rate of lump sum payable by the owner of such kiln would be double of the aforesaid charges.
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