CA.Suresh (CFO) (89 Points)

10 May 2007  
One of our client is engaged in Construction of Residential Appartments. Total work was given to different contractors. Our client is purchasing and  giving the material to contractors to execute the work. In this situation they opt the 70% abatement Rule of KVAT.Some of those matrials are procured from outside the state.
1) With out opting 70% abatement Rule can we deduct the Entire contract amount given to contractors from the Taxable VAT tournover ?
2) What are amounts deductable from VAT tournover ?
3) In that situation can we avail the Excise duty credit against Servicetax payable ?
4) My client was given the contract price inclusive of all Taxes in this situation can we avail the VAT credit on materials purchased  by Contractors ?