what is the procedure about vat audit.how many form are used when doing vat audit .if possible please explain in the briefly manner.
Shyam Kanabar (Article) (160 Points)
05 January 2012what is the procedure about vat audit.how many form are used when doing vat audit .if possible please explain in the briefly manner.
praveen kumar devarapalli
(Managing Director)
(361 Points)
Replied 07 January 2012
Here i am explaining the regular VAT Audit done be either in Internal Audit time or Stat Audit time.
1. Take the print outs of VAT Input Ledger, Out Put ledger, VAT Payable Ledger, CST Ledger
2. Take the purchase bills, sale invoices, VAT Returns with supportings.
3. Verify the purchase invoices with Input ledgers and all the Inputs has been correctly taken or not. If the items are purchased out of state then "C Form" issued or not
4. Verfy the sales invoices with Out Put ledgers and check any out side state sakes are there then check "C Form " has been received or not
5. Check the Inpt and out put ledgers with VAt Retuens all the things are coreclty filed or not
6. Check the challans with Returns.
Praveen Kumar