Is the reduction in terms of office of MD/WTD from 5 to 3 years is covered under Variartion in terms of Appointment u/s-268 .
What the term Variation mean and it includes?
Runel Saxena ACS (company secretary) (58 Points)
15 March 2013Is the reduction in terms of office of MD/WTD from 5 to 3 years is covered under Variartion in terms of Appointment u/s-268 .
What the term Variation mean and it includes?
Shridhi Jain
(Company Secretary)
(1678 Points)
Replied 15 March 2013
Your case is included in sec.268 of the Companies Act. It says amendment in provision of the appointment/reappointment of MD/WTD has to be approved by Central Govt.