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Kalpesh Chauhan, (Tax Assistant (Accounting Technician CA FINAL CS PROF. PROG. B.Com))   (8310 Points)
Replied 03 November 2010

Originally posted by : Shyamal Mistry

Thank u Sir.........

shruti (article/final) (279 Points)
Replied 03 November 2010




shruti (article/final) (279 Points)
Replied 03 November 2010




Replied 04 November 2010


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Guddi (employee) (769 Points)
Replied 04 November 2010

Wonderful Quote Sir!!!!!!! really inspiring...........

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Pradip Narsingani (Income Tax & GST Consultant/ CA-Final)   (572 Points)
Replied 07 November 2010

well said sid./././

seeker (JUNIOR OFFICER) (227 Points)
Replied 08 November 2010




Principles means Rules one make for himself while negotiating with outer world. He Who sticks to those principles  in any situation is called Man of Words and admired by every one.


The one who have a strong character can only stick to his principles similar things applies to one’s resolve.


The person who is firm to his study plan and does not deviates under the impulse of his mind gets success in the end.


So try to stick to your principles sooner it will become your habit that transform you to a strong willed character who has won himself and

who has won himself will rule  world.


So what you decide in the morning try to implement it in the day at any case, do not fall in to trap of excuses.



Now in the end Face these


Do not follow Great People instead follows their ideals becouse any body even God who have take birth on this land will fell in to trap of Maya in any unfortunate moments of his life , So do not follow blindly , do not be herd of sheep


At this point I ask permission from Sir to contradict him “ Principles are more important than Great People “ Principle are the real force behind the Great Man. They make an ordinay into Extra Ordinary, So Follow them not Great Men.


We indian have a Habit of worshipping Persons, Personality in most of cases without understanding their  philosphy.


This makes us coward. Low confident nation.


For Example


I do not want to comment on other people or religion, just  sticking on mine


- take life Story of Rama, His treatment with Sita does not fit into today’s time as per my view. But I follow his most of principles simultaneously  I do not adhere or like his behaviour with Sita.

I do not follow Ram on this front but he command my most of negotiation with world in my subconscious mind.


Or Krishna’s deed  in the war of Mahabharata, He could have prevent war I do not know what scheme of things he had. But Gita is uncomparable to any thing in this world, I follow Gita not Krishna.


I think people who do not have the ability to face the world gets the cover of Principle. And make the life of  their kin  difficult.

There are so many example in day to day life.


One should have the courage to be flexible with his principles or their off springs has to face the outcome of rigidity


Take the example of  Respected Mr. Mohan das whose photo is printed on our 5000 years old nation’s Currency.


He was very strict to the principles So the outcome is as under :


One of his children changed to islam and stated his father was cruel to his wife and Sons becouse of too much emphasis on principles. Kasturba Gandhi never liked the life of Ashram’s cleaning toilet etc. but has to do through out life becouse of Principles of Great Man.


The exit of Mr. Jinnah, Subhash from Congress could be due to his rigidity of Priciples as Per Mr. Jawahar Lal his favourite " Mr. Gandhi could only go int to extreame he does not know middle path. "


He could not understand or did not want to understand the sentiments, feeling   of Mr. Jinnah  due to word principles ( Peace, Harmony, Non Violence, Love , Winning heart by love, selfless service, truth )



Result of Rigidity – Cold blooded murder of 10 Lacs hindu , muslims  abduction of 70000 women and girls.


List is continuing in form of punjab earlier  now Kashmir.


So whole country is paying will pay due to rigidity of Principles


Great Man


Let us take a another example



My real uncle was G.M of  a Public sector Coorporation, His Son my cousion has done a Dimploma in Hotel Management , He was talented  and having every thing but did not get the right opportunity,


In frustration he use to leave the job very soon as it was not up to his expectation and there is expoilation  in the beginning at junior level in Cooperate India. After all he was Son of G.M Who take care the function of Hotel Industry of that Metro City.



It was just a matter of  a  single phone call by his father that could change the whole course of life of his son.


But my uncle was a Man of  Principle He never made a call and day come when he was retired.


His son is still struggling.  He never complained to his father.


But I think these kind of People were many before era of materialism took India in to his grip.


Now only money is counted no body thinks How it has been earned.


My uncle will be called a fool in today’s time. He also might be thinking same in his heart.



So friends my Message is



Be flexible in your approach but never compromise on your core values. At the same time Do not hurt any one but if deviation from your principle is benefitting your community and people do some analysis if benefit is more in deviating then do deviate

From your principles.


Do not be a stone. You are a human.


Do not be rigid or proud of  your priniples you can be wrong always listen and receptive to others.


Every priciple made by great man are chalked out on the basis of need of that time.


This is your time do not adhere those principles blindly ,


Be in today inspire from them but make your road yourself and develop your principle by yourself based on need of today.


There is considerable change in situation, need, status of women, Or  mode of communication, Transporting, Employment Oppertunities. Take into account all these factors and make your own Principles and stick to them


Principles always help you to stick to your pre determined goal and shield you from temptation other wise I do not see any benefit of adhering Principles.







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CA SURENDRA KUMAR RAKHECHA (Practising CA at Surat) (26263 Points)
Replied 08 November 2010

Dear Satya Kaam, 



I really appreciate your thoughts nicely explained. 



Principles are based on certain values. Rules are made to administer the principles. After a span of time; people and administrators forget to emphasis on principles and they just  follow Rules.


Our past leaders  had only one mission to get India independent. After independance what to do; was never thought at the time of freedom fighting and that is why in first five years plan; nothing could be achieved and only some directions were set out. 



5 years to think what to do and how to cope up with the situations !  It means they were not  aware of the problems likely to be faced by independent India.  


Although I don't wish to go into deep of the matter but just wish to comment one thing. Right now more and more industries are being established and agricultural lands are being converted into urban lands. Why we should follow such decision ? After some years; we will be face short supply of foodgrains because still our population is increasing.


British Rule destroyed our real earning of milk and cottage industry and introduced their educational system in the name of employment.  They "produced" clerks which is well known to all.


They blocked our ancient education system and due to this; our students get degrees but practically know nothing about the subjects. Now our education system follow the rules and forgot the principles why students should study. Despite the fact that one student is master in one subject; he is required to read all the subjects unnecessarily which are not supposed to work for him in the life. 


It means they forget the principles (real values) of the education and still following  the rules made by the Britishers (which were suitable to them). 


Your uncle forgot one point while following his (rigid) principles. Didn't he notice that some candidates are appointed by the government just because they are in the list of reservation ?  They are being appointed and provided services whether they are more capable in comparison to other candidates or not.  


The most brilliant brains now prefer private firms  but here we all miss one point (principle) - where the most brilliant brains is needed to serve ? A private company or the nation who requires them the most ?


But who cares ? And that is the reason we have to bear poor administration of the country. 


The heading of the discussion is Value of Principles. It is true that principles are also changed due to changed circumstances like present financial reporting to IFRS (Previously we were supposed to just prepare the Financial Statement and no need of any reporting by the management thereon). Further; after introduction of IFRS, practical application of Going Concern Concept will be Going Out ! Historical cost concepts has also been affected when valuation of inventories were made at cost or market value whichever is less (here more emphasis was given on conservative concept). 


Again - I wrote "some principles" should be followed. I didn't mention - one should  live for his principles.  

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