Value of books.

PIYUSH SINGH (student) (2471 Points)

24 December 2011  


B.G Tilak was one of India’s greatest leaders. He gave the slogan ‘Self-rule is my birthright’.He had great love for books, which can be well described by following short story of his life.

Tilak was about to get married. His father-in-law wanted to give him a precious gift in accordance with the prevailing marriage customs. When Tilak came to know about this, he sent a message to his father-in-law saying: ‘I do not need any valuable article as a marriage gift.I do not desire gold, any vehicle, costly clothing or watch, etc. In case you realy want to give me something then please give me some useful books which may prove helpul in my present and future life.’

His father-in-law followed his advice.This shows the great love of Tilak for learning and knowledge.yes