Kavita R (Service) (181 Points)

28 March 2023  

Our company has been formed in 2015 after the amendment Act, 2015, hence our Articles was already adopted.  And we had made changes in certain clauses of articles during incorporation of the Company.

And now we are in the process of deleting the "common seal" clause under the Articles of Association as it has been made optional as per the Companies Amendment Act, 2015  by amending our Articles.

So after filling the details in MGT-14, after attaching the Extra Ordinary General Meeting resolution and amended AOA and the mca directed to proceedto the eAOA screen. Here clause for alteration only i.e. no. 2(ii) for amending and  the clause no. 79 which are pertaining to common seal was deleted.  Then when we submit and download the form and aoa pdf the whole of the E-AOA is being downloaded.  Kindly understand that the AOA which is existing in our records has certain additional clauses which is not there in the E-AOA.

Also i tried raising a ticket on MCA , but again and again the mca is showing error screen. Kindly also help under which tab this issue has to be raised.  

Kindly help urgently how to make changes to certain specific clauses or else we have to change the whole E-AOA again.